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Interactive Thesis Idea:

While working on my thesis with NYU I have been researching other student’s thesis projects in a similar area of expertise within and outside of NYU; in addition to demo and portfolio reels of professionals already involved in the ‘CG’ industry. I’ve seen loads of amazing reels that inspire and push me to work harder. However; in addition to the quality of work, I’m finding how it’s presented is just as important.

These days people are busier than ever and have a shorter attention span. Employers look through dozens of reels and portfolios, so catching their attention with a different way of presenting myself is invaluable, even if only for an extra few seconds. In this industry, that extra few seconds can be a game changer.


While working on putting out the best work I can I am also working on integrating my thesis with different platforms so eventually employers/anyone can not only watch my thesis or demo reel but also ‘interact’ with it either on the web or on a mobile platform.

For example; I am currently working on a model of a woman who will have some subtle animation. If an employer wants to see the details of her face closely or examine some of the movements closer to evaluate the quality of the work, in theory, he/she will be able to navigate the scene accordingly.


The current ideal for the navigation of the interaction would be in a first person ‘shooter’ game format.  

In addition to that, when navigating and selecting a particular model the viewer will have the opportunity to select an option to see the ‘evolution’ of the work such as; the base mesh, texturing or rigging process etc. so they also have the option to evaluate my project management and see the skills I have.

This gives them the control to watch or evaluate what they want to or have time to at the moment they are reviewing my work or go back to it at another time either online or on their phone, without having to watching a 30 second to 1 minute video.